Sunday, October 12, 2008

What A Load

Exactly one month from tomorrow I'll be 21. Unfortunately, that's not soon enough to see Birdmonster, or Ted Leo, or The Mountain Goats. I don't care about the drink, I care about the music. Well, I care about the drink, but mainly the music. There should be a test that people under the age of 21 can take that somehow gauges their maturity level and if they pass then they're allowed into bars and music venues with the 21+ age limit. Each place could have their own test that varied depending on the sophistication of the bar/club/music venue. And this would only extend to people aged 20 years as it's the worst age anyone can possibly be. Ever. People turning 40 can't complain that they're "middle aged," because they have the drink. People turning 65 can't complain that they've reached retirement age, because they still have the drink and now they have time to roam around and complain about young people. Sigh. My life sucks for another month (save for small victories). Until then I'm going to crawl into a hole. A dark hole where no one can see my under 21 face. PS later.

1 comment:

Sam said...

wow, i really have no reason to look forward to my 20th bday tomorrow. fuck my life....(for a year)