Thursday, October 30, 2008

Less Thank One Week

I'll finally get to vote in less than one week. This means that I'll have to go home on a weekday for the third week in a row, but at least I won't be driving this time. The plan so far is to make some sort of a voting loop with Brian and Mike and to close our time with dinner at our individual families' houses. I'm not sure if we're dropping Brian in Irvine or if he'll accompany us home, but I'm fairly certain the route is San Diego, Irvine, Home, San Diego. I'm simply excited to not have my vote mean anything since I won't be voting for a major party candidate. Anyways, I'm going to make some food and clean up. The folks are coming to town so I want my room to not have my clothes strewn about. And where the hell is my sharpie?!

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