Thursday, October 2, 2008


I'll be gone tomorrow and the majority of Saturday. For those of you expecting anything out of the blog, I recommend you take a weekend to yourself to unwind and not worry whether or not I'll have a tidbit of nothing for you. I won't have my computer with me tomorrow and I'm uncertain if I'll have time for posting on Saturday. Sunday you'll have something to read, Monday remains my day of limited to no posting day. I hope to have something else for you by the end of the night, but no promises. I'm frustrated with my computer right now as it chooses to not play any music or videos whilst on the internets unless I re-open my browser several times. I'm trying to find a solution to this and I'm hoping that it's simply dust in the computer that can easily be dusted out. Aside from that nuisance I'm still around doing reading for class manana (again, the whole "~" insertion I'm unaware of, but I like pronouncing it without the tilde anyways). If anything is needed, most of you know where to reach me and I'll regularly check my email, etc.

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