Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Last Night

Last Night I realized that I'd forgotten to post Poetry Sunday. I apologize. I'm leaving in about 15 minutes to my orthodontist's appointment and then to see my grandma and my other grandma shortly thereafter. I don't know what time I'm making it back down to San Diego, but hopefully I'll have returned by 9pm. And I don't know why, but twice in the past week I've been woken up by non-stop jackhammering. The strange part is that it wasn't just in San Diego. I woke up this morning at 8:45 because some goon outside was tearing up the sidewalk. Just when he'd stop I'd start to nod off to sleep once again, but upon reaching that point of unconscious bliss this mook would start up again. This went on for a few hours until I finally decided to get up and shower. When I left the house to get my oil changed I saw that my entire neighborhood was undergoing this process. I'm curious to know what it is. Maybe it has something to do with the whole nation switching to digital in February of '09. Either way, I'm annoyed. I was sleeping quite peacefully. Another thing that happened that's just typical forgetful Andy is I left my fancy shoes in San Diego, but brought along the fancy clothes. I'm an idiot. I also discovered that the nice Kashmir sweater that my grandma bought me for Christmas a few years back has some holes in the sleeve. This bothers me since I've only worn it a few times and it's always gone back up in my closet right afterwards. I can't figure out when it could have happened. Sigh. Well, I'm sure you're all absolutely thrilled with my life right now. I'm going to go. I'll talk to you all soon.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Good luck on invisalign