Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ah, Jeez

I'm not ready for my midterm. It shouldn't be too difficult, but having to write for an hour on two subjects I know very little about? I guess I'll be studying in that blaspheming Star Trek "fan" Putman's class. That's the good thing about having general education classes. You don't have to pay attention.

I wish I knew a lot about computers. I wish I could figure out why my internet chooses not to stream videos and music. I don't own a tiny screwdriver to blow out all of the dust from the inside of my PC, but I've shot some compressed air in there to move it about. I had to show ID to buy the dusting stuff. Apparently it's huffable. No, I'm not walking on sunshine. Yet.

The Chicken Bake at Costco sounds tastier than it really is. Melted cheese, chicken and bacon enclosed in a baked bread tube? You wouldn't think you could go wrong there, but you can. Maybe the employees of Costco aren't making it right. The last one I had was alright. I keep getting lured into its spell. Costco's a big store of happiness and free samples.

Over the past couple weeks I've obtained 2GB of new music (new to me, it's been out...except for Metallica's album). I'm having difficulty choosing what to listen to. My hour break from 1-2 usually provides me with a full album listening. My recently purchased CD case that holds 72 CDs just filled up. I don't know what to do. Where am I to put all of my CDs? I have a box full of them, but for music in the truck? I may need another case.

I need a drink. I haven't had one in a while. I've got a bottle of wine, but I haven't had occasion for it. And when I say I need a drink I mean a real drink. I haven't had my Brandy in almost a year. That's disappointing. That'll all change soon.

I don't know why Ted Leo is opening for Against Me. Against Me is a no-talent crap band that somehow made it big. Ted is talent. And again I have to miss the show because I won't be 21. I hate being 20. One month, six days. I'm counting down the hours (till it co-o-o-o-omes).

I've got some good things coming in the mail. But it's a surprise. It's not for me, but it's coming here first. Maybe it's for me. I don't know if I was charged twice. If I was then I'll have it. If not, I won't.

I still can't get enough of this song. I hope they come back soon.

It's still too hot here.

I still have reading to do. Not too much. Just about ten pages. And studying. Muriel Spark isn't as good as Burgess or Beckett. I'm not as interested.

Sometime during the week Big Trouble in Little China will be viewed. And possibly True Lies as well.

Sigh. It's going to be a long night. Maybe a microwaveable dinner will keep me company.

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