Friday, October 17, 2008


Sweet, sweet victory. Now that that's out of the way I can focus on getting ahead in my reading and maybe even doing some leisure reading. I'm sorry, folks. My mind still needs to get back into normal gear. In class today I felt as though there had been no Wednesday or Thursday, simply a transition from Tuesday. That means I've played for too long (not that I didn't know that already). The game was fun. I now know that I can start over with all of my equipment and work over the competition. It's not as entertaining the second time around, especially right after you beat the game. I'm starting Chapter four again...It went much faster this time. I look like a stormtrooper (not of the Nazi variety, but of the Star Wars variety) now. I see in the not too distant future a cinematic adaptation of the game. Because that's what people are doing these days. They're just not making the one that would be the coolest movie ever to grace the silver screen (it's in pre-production, supposedly); and no, I'm not talking about a remake (or a sequel) of Bob Hoskins and Jon Leguizamo in the Mario Brothers.


Sara said...

Oi vey! I'm so happy that you finally beat that game. Hopefully the movie remake doesn't turn out like that retarded-ass movie where Vin Diesel played some guy with bright eyes. Was it "Doom"? I don't know but I had to sit through half an hour of it in a hotel lobby while I was waiting for SNL to start. It was horrible. I almost cried. You should give me your phone number so I can send you endless text messages whilst I sit here and watch potential 'Bags and Bleeths (although they are very sweet and I shouldn't insult them with that term) play beer pong. K, bye!

The Suarpion said...

I believe Doom had Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson in it. The movie you're thinking of is Pitch Black (the first one which wasn't too bad) or The Chronicles of Riddick (which I think is the 3rd one...I know not what happened to the 2nd). He plays the same character in both, but the more recent one was just bad. And yes, you should insult them, for they will not be able to mend their ways until you've pointed out their sickness.

Sara said...

Riddick! That's the one!

The Suarpion said...

Check your inbox. And check out Pitch Black for some redemption on Vin Diesel's part, or Saving Private Ryan (though he dies early in the film). I had the unfortunate experience of seeing Riddick in theaters and sat through the whole 2 hours of crap. Oh, high school.

Sara said...

I'm afraid to tell you that I will probably NEVER watch any vin diesel movie except that one where he is a babysitter of a family with a duck. I haven't gotten an email, whered you send it?

The Suarpion said...

I don't really care, Mr. Diesel isn't anything special, just thought that maybe if you were so disgusted with him then it may be comforting to know that he has at least some decent parts. And your message is in the myspace. It contains a 10-digit number that does not promise salvation from boredom nor a rapid response, but you can reach me at it.

Sam said...

The both of you need to watch the video I just posted on my blog. Entitled Top 10 #1. Both movies, Doom and Mario Brothers are mentioned.