Friday, February 27, 2009


There's a good reason I don't talk to a lot of people. Even people that I used to talk to. Last night as I was getting ready to remove the three months of hair accumulated on my face I got a text from a number I wasn't familiar with. It said: "Andyyyy are you down for randomness tonight??!!!" Not knowing the number I wrote back with simply "?" "Andy its ____!!! Are you in town in the hills??!!" "____! How the hell are ya?! I got a new phone awhile back, so I didn't know the number. No, I'm still in SD. What's new with you?" I didn't lose the number, I deleted it. We'll get to that in a minute. "Aweeeee i miss you and i needyou to dress up like a fireman i have the uniform and go to a couple of my friends houses and get them outside so i can steal these hats for this game all week weve been playing hahah i wish you were in town i know you would do it hahah:((" "Haha, I probably would. What've you been up to? I haven't talked to you in what, two years?" No, I really wouldn't have done it. End communication.

Yep. Used. I stopped talking to this person long ago because after being their friend for a couple years I learned how little they actually gave a damn. It's like the people who would be my friend in high school so that they could cheat off my test. They remember good 'ol Andy when they need someone to be their bitch. They come to me when all of their friends are drunken a-holes with no insight on anything whatsoever and as soon as they've thoroughly soaked my shoulder with their tears they get up and go with their thanks and compliments, but as soon as a call is made to them then it's always some excuse or another to ditch me. When did my friendship become a give only and receive my face and dignity in the mud type of system? In all honesty, I don't really care if this person ever sends me another text or calls me. I was better off without their constant calls of "should I put them up on my top friends list? I'm not on theirs" and bull shit of the sort. I'm seriously considering burning a bridge here. I'm all for helping someone out who genuinely needs it, someone who's not a completely selfish twat. But if I'm putting forth the effort to maintain something and I'm only met with people who try to avoid me, people who don't even think about an action that brutalizes the very being of the person who sat by their side countless times to make sure they were alright, people who don't even bother to show you the respect you deserve or any at all, why in God's name am I going to put up with that? I'm just glad that I have the few friends that don't act like this. Meaning if you're reading this you're probably one of those few. Probably.


Andrew B said...

Larson wanted you to dress up like a fireman? You shouldn't let him treat you that way.

Sam said...

Haha. I like the last sentence. I like it a lot.