Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Soft Pack

The Soft Pack? They kinda suck. Don't get me wrong, they've got some catchy punk songs, and I haven't been to a show where people actually do a bit of pushin' and shovin' in a while. It's a bit of a stress relief, that one. But quality of music? Not good. Unless you like that kind of music, then they're alright. The worst part of the show? The Soft Pack went on at midnight! No Enter the Dragon for Andy. Sadness. But I guess I'm glad that Mike dragged me out as I did actually have a good time. Hear that, Sam? I had a good time listening to a band I'm not fond of and socializing. Yeah. Shut it. So, to make up for this I plan to spend the next few days cooped up in my apartment watching movies.