Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Less Than One Week

Sam, this weekend (Sunday) I'll be returning home after work (10-4, so home by 6) to be in the area for Monday. While my hands will be full on Monday, I strongly suggest we get together on Sunday as it's been over a month since last we fought crime atop buildings. I've also requested Sunday and Monday of the the following week off (the 1st and 2nd) in order to see the good folks coming into town. I imagine they're staying at your place again, right? That particular Sunday sees me elsewhere visiting with my aunt flying in from Texas, but I imagine that will be over early enough to join any festivities that may be occurring at your residence. Andrew, if you'd like to meet up for breakfast this coming Monday before you head to work/class, I'd be more than happy to make a plan. Yep. Good mood.


Sam said...

We should go see Friday the 13th on Sunday lol. Seriously...MICHAEL BAY!!!

And Mickey and Dee don't want to see you anyways so I don't know why you bother...........

The word verfication thingy was "bugeri" today. And it was green. haha.

The Suarpion said...


Andrew B said...

That's it, we're starting our folk rock duo. I don't care if you just play a tambourine, we're doin' it.