Monday, February 2, 2009

End Of A Good Thing

Alas, I knew my schedule of 4-9 shifts only would come to an end. Ever since I returned to my station behind the counter in Seaport Village I've had it easy. My one and only co-worker, Yadzia, was quite possibly the hardest worker I've ever seen. Used by the bosses to do all of their dirty work, including the ebay page that caused me to quit last March, she's been a trooper who cleans, organizes, orders, and keeps the bosses happy with an effort that shouldn't be put into such a menial job such as this one. Why's she leaving? Because she landed herself a job she wanted in South America helping impoverished folk...or something like that. Either way, she's leaving on Thursday and being the only person left knowing the way the store is run, I'll no longer have the night shift. Six days a week, two night shifts to allow for schooling and one day where I just can't show up due to an all-day class schedule. Looks like the days of going out to the desert, the forest, the ocean etc. to rock climb, hike, sail, get fresh air will all be gone as I'll be forced to show up to work by 10 almost every day. Just when I bought myself a new pair of backpacking boots. How do I know they're sticking me at the 10-4? Seeing as my boss tried to schedule me at 10 on my 930-315 class day after I've told him about 4 times and left a copy of my schedule with him, clearly stating that I can't work Tuesdays or Thursdays until 4, and being scheduled 10-4 Friday-Sunday I'd say that I'm SOL as far as night shifts are concerned. Now I'll be left with Marci's hideous cackle that makes my ears bleed and actual work to do. Dag yo.


Sam said...

Dammit, time for you to go back to being a lil bitch. Congratulations, you are their slave again.

The Suarpion said...

Sigh. Only until May. Then I'm nobody's bitch but my own...or whomever I choose (or get hired) to work for.