Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!

Given that it's Sunday, 11am(ish) and I'm not writing a brief piece or a piece on music, you can tell that I'm at work. Work time has been designated my computer writing time. Since I don't have anything else to do. As you all know (maybe) it's Super Bowl Sunday. I don't like football. I like Super Bowl Sunday, though. It's one of those days where people have an excuse to congregate in an area to watch a sporting event where the sporting event doesn't necessarily have to be the center of attention.

What's that? Andy's advocating social interaction? Preposterous! C'mon, I'm not some heartless bastard.

I know that everyone hypes up the commercials on SBS, wondering what the next hi-larious 30 seconds of their life are going to be. I don't know what'll happen this year, but I did get an email from Denny's telling me to watch the game for a heads up on what their newest deal is going to be. Could it be mouth-watering breakfast at an outrageously low price?! Oh, the suspense is killing me!

Actually, I can't remember the last time I watched the Super Bowl. I do remember watching it my Freshman year of college, getting drunk in my room with friends while my roommate's nasty socks hung from the window. But was that the last time? I can't remember. Did the Super Bowl with the commercials for Bi-Polar awareness come out that year, some year prior or some year after? For some reason that particular commercial sticks out in my mind because it wasn't something that you'd normally want to think about when watching Clash of the Roided-Up Guys Who Think They're Titans, But Are Just Highly Paid Jerks. I don't know. Maybe those socks did more damage than I thought.

Whatever the case is with the commercials, I've really just forgotten what it was I was talking about. Something about social gatherings...Super Bowl...Eh. Screw it. I'm not watching it anyways. I'm at work! Wait. When does it even start? And where are my pants?

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