Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Music For 2/17/09

For some odd reason I feel like I'm back in the 90's. It's not a bad thing. Particularly 96/97ish when I made my move to the home town back in the 3rd grade. I keep getting flashbacks of going to Clairemont (or is it Montclaire?) with my dad while he played basketball with his friends and going to the barber shop asking for a flat-top (because that was the only haircut I knew at the time) and eagerly waiting for "Do Wah Diddy" to come on the radio. I know that I'm remembering a time of innocence that was slowly escaping my grasp, but why? Am I finding myself in a sort of happy place like that again? Where, despite all of the chaos surrounding my life at the time, I was in a state of contentment wherein one of the worst things that could happen was Sam not picking up my action figures? I'm in that time frame, but at my current age with some sort of maturation. It's almost as though it's all a dream. Maybe it's because I've been going back to my childhood interests like basketball and oldies stations while driving my dad's truck. Maybe it's all the John Darniell/Franklin Bruno that I've listened to lately (they both lived in that area in the early 90s). Whatever the case, I hope it continues. Anyways, I guess this turned into a lead in for today's song(s). I hadn't intended it this way, but I remembered Mr. Darnielle has "Short Song About the 10 Freeway," "Chino Love Song 1979" and "San Bernardino." Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head, there are probably more. I didn't really think "San Bernardino" was in any way closely related to my own life and I couldn't find "Chino Love Song 1979," so "Short Song About the 10 Freeway" will do the trick. If I find any others, I'll throw them up here later.

The Mountain Goats

Short Song About the 10 Freeway


Sam said...

I'd just like to remind everyone that it was Andy's moms fault and my mothers fault that those action figures were not cleaned up. Andy held a years worth of vengeance towards me without knowing that I did everything I could to get that room cleaned up.

The Suarpion said...

Haha. Sam, I'm gonna bug you about that until the day we die.

Sam said...

Well then I'm gonna bug you about you being Sasquatch....among other things. Gay.