Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's 11:30

It's 11:30 and the 12 hours gone by this day (and the last half hour of yesterday) have been pretty damned good so far. Sure, I only got three hours of sleep. Sure, I'm tired right now. Sure, I've got class until 3:15 and I'll have to battle through unnecessary traffic in order to get to work by 4:00. But sleep and work be damned, free Grand Slams at Denny's are reason enough for me to wake up before the sun comes up. Their coffee isn't bad and though it isn't very strong, it sure was worth it. $4 for a hearty breakfast, which was the cost of coffee and a milk? Not bad at all. So while I sit through yet another God awful lecture in Modern Fiction, I can't help but smile. Not just because of the breakfast either. Go Andy. And go Andy's love of Zombie massacres.

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