Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hey everyone. I know I haven't posted much as of late, but there's been quite a bit going on in the world of Andy and some of it can't be posted, some of it has yet to be. I'll have some Poetry Sunday for you all today and in the near future I should have a new "Top 5" segment. I've got the list ready, but just need to get around to filling it out and coming up with suitable explanations as to why I've chosen my top 5. I've yet another busy week ahead of me as well as one with some greatness ahead. For one, voting will take place in two days time. I'll also be heading out of town once again come Thursday, so expect a light amount of posting while I'm away. Anyways, I promise to have something more than just a brief update or a one-line post in the near future, but I sort of need something to write about other than my excitement of being 21 soon and my general grievances with my History 110 professor. But in all honesty, things have been really good lately and I haven't had anything to complain about. I've got to go. I still need to shave, shower, make breakfast (brunch?) and read.

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