Monday, November 10, 2008

Today's Nap

I knew I shouldn't have taken a nap at 6:30 today. While I'm fairly certain that I won't have too much difficulty falling asleep by 1 or 2 in the morning, the fact that I'll be alert for a good part of that means that I'll be left to do nothing for quite some time. I know that I haven't written anything much of substance lately. I'd like to, but there are some things that I can't really talk about and some things that I'd rather not talk about. I'm trying to think of something that has been on my mind, but there's really only been one thing on my mind (no, not Mega Man or the remake of The Last Dragon) and that one thing I can't write about. Not yet at least. All I can talk about now are the trivial things. I can rummage through those niusances for some sort of significance, but I don't necessarily know what I can get out of them. I can tell you that I've got a two-day midterm on Wednesday and Friday. I can tell you that I'm excited for birthday festivities. I'll get to see my family, but then again...I'll have to see my family. Don't get my wrong, I enjoy seeing my family. I love my family. Most of them, anyways. I can tell you that the temperature is dropping (finally). I don't believe our apartment has a heater. I'm ok with that. But it means that I have a cold bed. I have difficulties sleeping for an entire night. I always wake in fits, whether it be from the cold, from unfavorable dreams, from preoccupation or any number of other reasons. I enjoy climates that provide an opportunity to warm oneself. I just wish that I had help in the warming process. I may have the hair of a small woodland creature, but that doesn't mean that my body remains at a favorable temperature at all times. I suppose there is one thing that you can draw some significance and maybe some sort of deep(i)er meaning from, or you can just say "what?" I was on the train recently and as the engine was choo-chooing into the Van Nuys (I think it was Van Nuys, it could have been Glendale) station I looked out of my window to see a graveyard. I hadn't noticed it the last time I'd passed by, but this time around I saw every little detail. To get to the point, I saw in one corner of the graveyard an empty wheelchair. I searched for the inhabitant of said chair of wheels and it was not long before I found them. They were lying atop a grave. Face down. In the nude. You may say that I may have been mistaken and my eyes doth play tricks on me, but no. That bum was clear as day and that crack as dark as night. I naturally cocked my head to a 45 degree angle in a quizzical manner. I didn't (and don't) know if I should take this as some sort of profound sign from God or simply the local wheelchair ridden, basket-case attempting to couple with the ground where the deceased wish to rest. I'm inclined to choose the latter. Anyways, I think this has gone on long enough. I can't form a coherent thought at the moment and I'll hopefully have something better for you all in the near future. No promises.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh. Em. Gee. So I couldn't stop laughing at your account of the naked bum humping what I imagine was that little hole where you are to put the flowers. I'm up to! I love weather that allows for you to warm oneself, especially with that special someone! And though you may have the hair of a small woodland creature, you also have awesome turtle-necks [or so I hear] so YAY FOR TURTLE NECKS!

I'm still waiting for that three-piece-suit ... I swear one of these days I'm gonna find you one! I'll fight a bum for one if I must.