Saturday, November 29, 2008

Music for 11/29/08

I think it's going to be a Charlie Parr day today. I know I'm breaking my rule of no more than 3 videos a day, but I wanted to play a quadrology of songs by Mr. Parr. The song titles go King Earl, Cheap Wine, Asa Jones' Blues, Public Record Rag. Here's a brief summation of what the story is in the songs: Asa Jones gets framed by Frank the liquor store owner for King Earls death. Frank then gets robbed and shot by the character in public record rag. The songs are actually spread out over 3 albums. Charlie also recently released a new album entitled Roustabout. Here's a description of that from his website:

Roustabout is Charlie's seventh full-length CD release. It's a field recording in true monophonic sound recorded over a month's time in a variety of locations including living rooms, garages, barroom basements, and empty storefronts.


King Earl

Cheap Wine

Asa Jones' Blues

Public Record Rag

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