Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Top 5

Top 5 most influential (revolutionary) video games of my childhood and early teens.

This comes around because Sam has his whole top 10 thing he's doing now and thought I should partake in this one as well.

5) River City Ransom - This game for the NES console proved that you could be a greaser, have your girlfriend kidnapped while in high school by a rival gang (so that they could take over the town), kick the crap out of everyone and go back to school without repercussions as an honor student.

4) Super Mario Bros. 3 - The first game that I owned for the NES console, this game provided hours of entertainment and a link to the video game world that would help to shape the rest of my life. I still play this and have yet to beat the damned thing. Once you get to that 8th world you're kind of screwed. I'm nothing like this guy who can beat it in 11 minutes.

3) Metal Gear Solid - Tactical Espionage Action! This game features the rugged Solid Snake who happens to be a composite of Michael Beihn(sp?), Mel Gibson, Kurt Russel and probably Teddy Roosevelt. This was the first game that I owned rated "M" (for mature) and provided hours upon hours of gameplay (and replay) with a story that makes you want to jump up and cheer and inspired lines such as "INFINITE AMMO, BABY!" I'm still waiting for the movie. Soon friends, soon.

2) Mega Man - As Scott says, this game introduced a generation of kids to swear words. This was one of the first video games (the third <-- the guy in the video there really sucks - and fourth ones) I ever owned and was one of the few that I was fairly horrible at, but still enjoyed getting the cream kicked out of me by eight different robot bosses. As you all know, I bought the 15th anniversary collectors edition and every few months go through the original 6 and then get thoroughly tired and annoyed with the 7th and 8th. I'm still waiting for that movie, too...but I don't think it's even been talked about.

1) Final Fantasy VII - Was there any doubt? The first RPG I ever played, the first game that shaped my early teens and not to mention possibly the coolest character ever to grace any console. The coolest villain, and a supporting cast that ranged from an angry, smoking pilot, a Mr. T knockoff, to a cat riding a gigantic doll. They did make a movie about this one which happened to be a sequel to the game. I'm still waiting for a remake of the game with enhanced graphics, voice acting, me as the main character.

1 comment:

Carson Daly said...

Yes, yes, Mega Man did introduce an entire generation of wayward youngsters to profain language as shouted by their fathers from the next room. But, and this is of far greater pertinence, Final Fantasy VII introduced an entire generation of young boys, on the cusp of adolesence, to the wonders of huge computer-generated boobs. Oh Tifa, if only your polygons were flesh and your grey tank top a thin sheen of whip-cream for me to lick off. Memories.