Sunday, November 16, 2008


First things first: To the two of you well-wishers hoping that I wasn't coming aflame or charred to a crisp, everything in the Hills is fine so far. There are fires near the home town, but not (yet) in the home town, despite what the news may or may not be saying. I know that they're saying that parts of the canyon are (or may be) on fire, but it has not reached us on the Pomona/Chino border. I would have responded to your texts, but my phone had died and I was out with my parents at the Detroit Bar seeing What Made Milwaukee Famous for my 21st birthday. I actually chatted with John Houston Farmer and Michael Kingcaid (the bassist and lead singer/guitarist) for quite some time and had a fairly decent evening. I went with my folks and played pool with my dad. I'd have texted you all back, but just as I was getting back to you all my phone decided to go the way of the dinosaur and become extinct until the scientists of Jurassic Park cloned and revived it (in other words, I'm charging my battery as I'm typing this). I just got home a few minutes ago and the worst that has happened is my beloved dog has been frightened of the wind and the smoke. I do feel somewhat bad because prior to this fire I had thought that I wouldn't mind if this God forsaken town burned to the ground. I would actually never wish any ill-will towards the place my parents reside. If they'd moved, however, things would be different and I probably wouldn't give a damn. Although the images hearken back to last year when the fires were in the San Diego area, only I'm certain that I won't get a week off of school this time around to shoot NERF guns at my roommates. One thing that I got to do this evening was have a cigarette with my dad. I was inebriated and got to talk to him frankly and honestly about a few different things. It was nice and I'm sure he appreciated our few minutes together before WMMF took the stage. From tonight's show I was able to get a free white LP of the band's latest album along with 3 t-shirts and a free CD of a band the lead guitarist, Jason Davis, used to play for. The LP and the CD were compliments of Michael Kingcaid and the photographer for "Shot by a Fan" who I'll be in contact with now. The shirts, on the other hand, cost me. No problem though as I'm more than willing to support one of my favorite bands. I'll be heading on back to San Diego later today after I've woken up and my mom and I have gone to the Men's Warehouse to purchase me a three-piece suit. There is one thing that I'd like to share that happened shortly after my previous post. On my way to Sam's house I noticed from Marionette's window a ball of fire falling from the sky. It wasn't a shooting star or a flare because it shot down at such a rapid speed, so I can only assume that it was a satellite falling from orbit. It left such a magnificent trail of orange and yellow and I only hoped that it would be a UFO, but knew (and know) that the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. I'm certain that it can be representative of some things, but then again, anything can be taken as an analogy these days. I don't know, but the falling satellite struck me in some way or another that I can't quite explain. Maybe one day I will be able to, but for now (since I'm still slightly inebriated) I do not know what to make of it. I also saw my aunt, grandma and grandpa today. What with all of the family tragedies occurring lately it was nice to see people recovering and in good spirits. I know there is still lots of work to be done and much care to be put into bringing everyone back to full steam. Anyways, there's much to talk about, but I'm tired an need sleep, so I'll post more soon. I hope everyone is well and I will talk to you all soon.


I was also given two set lists by the band. One I gave to my parents and the other I kept for myself. The one I kept contains Michael Kingcaid's blood drippings as from start to finish his finger was bleeding profusely. When they make it big, that'll be worth something. Maybe someone will offer me tons of money so that they can clone him with the DNA on the paper. I won't sell, of course (that's a lie, I probably would). Needless to say, those guys are slicker than grease.


Andrew B said...

I still don't agree with the name you picked for you car = /

Sara said...

I sent that text partly as a joke then when you didn't respond I got a little worried, so I'm glad to hear [or read] that all is well! I am also glad to hear that you had a snazzy time with the parental units at the concert. I need to hit up a concert with my parental units some time ... Although, they'd probably leave midway through the first song of the set as they're always complaining about young hooligans and their loud music.

The Suarpion said...

Andrew: It's not changing. I would have invited you along for the show, but it was a busy day and we were out of town for the better part of it. Driving home with the fires only to drive back out to L.A. would have been unwise and tiresome.

Sara: Yeah, I was mid-text when my phone cut out and didn't want to wake anyone at 1 am to tell them I was alright. And I like going to shows with my folks, even if it is seen as socially uncool. I'm just lucky they like my taste in music.