Saturday, November 29, 2008


I've been online taking some basic math tests, and I'm finding that I've forgotten most of my algebra skills. There was a question that if Hank could paint a house in 6 hours and Sally could paint one in 4, how long would it take if they both painted the house? I don't remember that crap! I'm no painter of houses. Hell, the way I see it, so long as it gets done who gives a damn how long it takes? And are we factoring in smoke breaks and lunch breaks? Do Hank and Sally know each other? Would they ever have the opportunity to meet up to paint this one house that is so similar to all the others that they paint? Would Hank and Sally get along together and would anything flourish between the two? Hell, Hank could develop an inferiority complex because he can't paint a house as fast as Sally prompting him to work even slower than he already does. They don't take these factors into consideration, do they? I guess that's why I'm a comp-lit major and not a mathematician. Oh well. Better brush up. And even if my math skills are gone, at least I can take comfort in the knowledge that I'll never be a mandana wearing choadwank preying on the innocence, vulnerability and gullibility of others.

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