Friday, November 21, 2008

On Some Excitement This Fine Morning

As I was brushing my teeth and getting ready for class I received a knock on my door that I thought was my landlord stopping by to fix our kitchen sink. By the second knock I'd thrown my shirt on and made it to the door only to see four Federal Marshalls standing with dark sunglasses and bad facial hair. They began asking me questions about my name, my roommate, how long I had lived in the apartment, what race my roommate Scott Benson was (they asked if he was Vietnamese). After being thoroughly disheartened that we were not the person they were looking for, nor did/do we know who this person is/was, they left to question our neighbors and landlord. I only wish I knew what this woman they were looking for had done. Federal Marshalls at my door, in my apartment. Scott and I have a feeling that our neighbor below us is somehow involved in drugs and possibly the smuggling and sale of drugs. Every night at 10pm she leaves for roughly 15 minutes. She has nothing when she leaves and nothing when she returns. We have no idea what she does. We have theories of drugs, snack/fast food rendezvous, the feeding of a friend's pet, the visiting of an elderly relative, but none of it makes sense. Nothing except drugs. The one who rents the apartment below us is a trucker that goes from SD to LA and back every day. I think he's got his hand in the smuggling business and maybe she's making her safe sale every night at 10. But it doesn't explain how she can leave and return with nothing on her. Or maybe I just haven't noticed anything on her. When the Marshalls showed up at my door, a part of me hoped that it was to crack down on their theoretical smuggling ring. I imagined a foot pursuit and an eventual gunning down of some drug dealers/smugglers, but obviously none of this happened. Maybe that day will come, but for now I can only hope and dream.

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