Sunday, November 23, 2008

On How I Was Inebriated By 11am Or Why My Day Is Starting at 2pm

I awoke this morning at 7:30 in order to prepare myself for the filming of a video. The video happens to be for the group project that I mentioned earlier during the week. In this video we had to act out a scene from Thomas Dekkar's Shoemaker's Holiday, delivering lines and all of that nonsense. If you've gathered anything from this blog, you probably know what Scott can come up with and needless to say, we're taking liberties with this video. I can't (won't) say much, but I can say that a time machine is involved. This still doesn't explain why I had the drink in me before 11am. Or maybe it does. Either way, the reason I was is simply that the character I was portraying had his particular vices. He didn't actually have these vices, I just chose to put those vices in the video and ended up smoking and drinking on and off camera. I'm not necessarily proud of being intoxicated that early in the morning, and I don't believe I'll be doing it again. Although I do hope that my professor is concerned. Seeing as I have a paper due tomorrow, I decided I shouldn't be drunk while writing it and felt I should sleep off the alcohol prior to starting the paper. 11:30 am, I returned to my sleeping attire. Cut to now, I've added two videos to the music section and am getting ready to read the essay prompt and write that damned paper (only 4 pages, no big deal). I'll be sure to keep you all updated on the progress of this group project. It will be done by the 3rd (or is it the 5th?) and ready for presentation. If you check back to that link up above, that is where the video will eventually be posted. Also, it would appear as though Scott is heading home for the holidays after he works today, meaning I'll be here all by my lonesome. I head home on Wednesday night after work and return to San Diego Friday morning to work once again. The semester's almost over. I can't wait. Presumably one semester left after this one. I just need to get off of my ass and petition some classes. Lousy Comparative Literature 220 being the same as 210, but needing 210 which is offered every other year and I didn't take it because I already had 18 units of essay-writing madness. BLAST!

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