Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Events of Today

While today wasn't too eventful, there are a few things that I'd like to share with the good folks who read this here text/photo/video-based missive. Aside from reading and turning in rent to our oddly entertaining landlord, I had a bit of a dilemma in deciding whether or not to mosey on over to the local Best Buy to purchase a few CDs to make a part of my collection. After much internal struggle my knees buckled and I started Marionette into an adventure that neither of us were expecting (which really wasn't much of an adventure...and Marionette wasn't much part of it). I made it to the Best Buy and found the CDs I was looking for, but while I was in the middle of a text message I happened to hear a familiar tune coming from the God-awful "Guitar Hero" (which also goes by the lesser known title "Get a real guitar, you loser"). Yes, it was the sweet melody of Metallica's "Fuel" and for reasons unknown (eh, eh) I was in the "M" section. The following transpired in the 'ol noggin' 'o mine:
Brain: "Andy, I think it's time."
Andy: "You think so, brain?"
B: Andy, it's been a long time coming
A: I know, Brain, but I really shouldn't be spending the money right now.
B: Andy, do you remember high school?
A: Yeah, of course I do, I hated most of it
B: Remember the fun we had listening to Metallica?
A: I know brain, and while I'd like to return to the good times we had listening to...ok

And it's been worth it. I'm not yet done with Death Magnetic, but it's a whole lot of fun.

After my over-expenditure at the Best Buy I shimmied over a parking lot to dine on the sweet nectar of life also known as fast food. More specifically, Carl's Jr. Before entering said restaurant I noticed the not yet smelly or disgusting homeless fellow waiting ever so sadly in front of the restaurant. While I tend to have a bad history of giving money to people I shouldn't, I was certainly glad the only currency in my pocket was a George Washington (he's coming) and some funny money (also known as pesos), but he did not ask for change or food or anything, he merely looked at me with those sad, defeated eyes that the sane homeless people tend to have. I ordered my tasty Jalapeno (I don't know how to insert the "~" on the internets) burger with chili-cheese fries and a side spicy chicken sandwich (they're only 99 cents) to-go. While waiting for my spoils of war (reward for purchasing albums) I happened to look outside at the man waiting ever so quietly by the door. My conscience (as always) got the best of me and after receiving my goods I stepped out and offered the man my spicy chicken sandwich. With eyes aglow he gladly accepted and that was that.

Feeling in a somewhat giving and up-beat mood I then stopped off at the grocery store to pick up a two-liter bottle of Hawaiian Punch for Scott. I ended up buying two (which was mainly because I didn't want to put $2.00 on a charge card) and even donated to their breast cancer research thingie that they pitch when you're about to pay. I know it's not like I've won some sort of kindness award or anything, but I do feel somewhat good about myself. I think the reward for my deeds today was a good parking spot upon my return to Apartamiento de SuarSon (or BensRez).

That's really all I've got.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Haha. Nice. I told you that Jalapeno burger was good!