Sunday, September 21, 2008


Ok, here's a brief segment I'd like to introduce you to. It's called (as the title suggests) Vs.. In this segment I'll take songs that people have covered and juxtapose them to their originals where you'll then vote which version is better. So today (since it's the first day) we'll have one that's extra special because it contains not one song being covered, but two. Here we have Ted Leo covering Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone" and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Maps". My opinion? Ted emerges victorious, but it's up to you folks to vote, will it be Kelly and the Yeah x 3s? Or Rhode Islander, Ted Leo?

Kelly Clarkson

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Ted Leo



Carson Daly said...

I think Avril's version is better.

The Suarpion said...

I think your version of Avril's version is better. Nice picture.

Sam said...

Ted. Hands down. I never even had to listen to any of them. I believe in Ted Leo.