Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An Announcement During A Break From School Reading

Not really an announcement. Just me wanting to procrastinate by telling you all a little something about myself (because I know you all want the read it). To those of you reading this and/or to those of you that I speak to and vent frustrations with/rant to, just remember: don't take me seriously. Well, with some things take me seriously, but when you read about me hating people and things of the sort or being overly frustrated about things, don't read into it as me being an overly depressed individual or one who's on the verge of some psychosis. Sure, I'm a misanthropic guy who dislikes the general population and most things that come from it, but that doesn't mean that I'm unhappy. I'm perfectly fine with my limited amount of friends, my distrust of most people, my taste in music and even my frustration with the opposite gender. In fact, these very things fuel my personality. I'm glad for these things. Most of you know me well enough to understand this and my habits and "peculiarities," but for those of you who know me not or those just beginning to understand my ways, just keep this in mind.

Maybe a few announcements, which really aren't announcement. Maybe they are. They're just not particularly interesting. You can keep reading if you'd like, but you'll more than likely find yourself bored. Yes. I made breakfast this morning. It consisted of two fried eggs and several chocolate chip pancakes (flapjacks). They weren't really chocolate chip, but I mixed some NesQuick into the batter. They were of chocolaty substance. I'm lacking in the chip department. The eggs stuck to the "non-stick" pan even though I used ample amounts of butter to grease the damned thing. That's the second time that happened. When I go to flip the eggs for perfect over-medium-ness the yolk cracks and I'm forced to dine on over-hard eggs. Nothing against over-hard, I just prefer over-medium. Over-easy is good. I like eggs. Cereal too. That was part of my breakfast. Breakfast. Break. Fast. Not really breakfast. It was about 11:30 when I ate. Brunch? No, not brunch, there was nothing lunch about it. Breakfast for lunch? Maybe. I don't normally lunch at 11:30. My apartment has a smell to it. It's not a bad smell. I think it's an apartment smell. I remember biological Dad's apartment smelling the same way. I can't remember if Montezuma apartment smelled this way. At least 2/3 of the apartments I remember smelled this way. I like the apartment. There are many places to sit. I have options. I like options. Not too many. Then when you're stuck with two options you can't decide which option to go with. Maybe I don't like options. I can't find my sharpee. Sharpee. Sharp. Pee. S. Harpy. Harpies. Herpes. Sharp herpes. Sherpas. Everest. Peaks. Pinnacles. Plummet. Plumber. Plumper Humper. Mario Brothers. Meerkats. Morons. Mormons. Meow. Mew. Mutants. News. Dinosaurs. Chicken legs. Chicken dinner. Saucer. Flying saucer. Food fight. Food fighting. Ninja Turtles. Turtles through Time. Time...Thyme...time...time...


Anonymous said...

you sound like you're walking on sunshine.

The Suarpion said...

Why thank you, anonymous commentator. When I wrote that I wasn't wearing pants.

Sara said...

Riiiiiight ...

Carson Daly said...

I'd take pleasure in guttin' you...Boy! I'd take pleasure in guttin'you...Boy! I too am not wearing pants.