Monday, September 1, 2008

A Couple of Things

First of all, Birdmonster to-nite and to-morrow! I'm so excited I might soil my britches.

Second, you should all be thanking Sam. Sam has single handedly kept this thing afloat. See, Sam's a great cat, and while I'd like to write a lengthy segment on why Sam's slicker than grease, I have not the time to give one at the moment. Maybe tomorrow, maybe later this week, but for now, let's just say that whenever I start to complain about something or feel down or whatnot, Sam simply says something to the effect of "quit being a little bitch" or "you're being retarded" accompanied with "get over it" and then all of a sudden things are better. I quit my complaining and moping and get on with what I should be doing (I don't know exactly what that is, but whatever it is, I get back to it). Sam, I salute you and your continuous (successful) efforts to keep my head out of my ass and in the game. As for the rest of you mooks, where's the love?

A write up on the in-store later. And hopefully Marionette will be well again by tomorrow as I need her to get me to San Diego. But now? OFF TO GREATNESS!!!!1111!!1!!!ONEONEONEONEWONWONONEONE111ONE!!!!

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