Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Few Things

I apologize if my posts are lacking over the next few days (weeks, months, year), but school has started and while I say that I'd actually like to perform well this year, I more than likely won't. So, leave me to my delusions for a little while and once I'm bored then I'll return to you with multi-post days.

I have a plan. I don't want to share the plan because if I say it then it'll end up falling through and I'll look like a goon for not being able to follow through with it. It's a good plan. I thank Genevieve and Scott for suggesting it. I like the plan. You can ask me about the plan. I just don't want to write about it here.

Who are you?

My last day at home I happened to sit down to watch some television and when I turned the power on The Matrix was playing. I sat watching for about five minutes as it was very close to the beginning of the film and I thought to myself "Wow, this was cool in Jr. High!" and shortly afterwards, "Wow, this sucks!" I then changed the station to catch the tail end of Dungeons & Dragons the movie. It came out in 2000. I'd never seen any of the movie, but even for 2000's standards, it looked as though it were made for T.V. But I watched until the credits rolled (it was the final battle scene when I tuned in) and I was laughing at how bad it was and such and I pondered the difference between D&D and the Matrix. See, the latter is bad because it takes itself seriously and the Wachowski brothers really aren't good directors. There're all of the clear biblical parallels and leather. Lots of leather (one of them is married to a dominatrix). Sure, all of the fights were cool and everyone says "gee, I sure would like to be able to dodge bullets and 'upload' a massive arsenal," but come on. I'm the guy who wishes he had super powers every day of the week and even I think that movie is pretty lame and overdone.

I seem to have a problem with shaving gel. I don't know why. I used to use it all the time, but a few months ago I switched to Barbasol (the beard buster) and it was a thick and effective cream. I ran out and used my left-over gel, but I had difficulties keeping the slippery substance in my hand. It's as though it would just bypass my hand and go directly to the sink. Quite frustrating, I must say. It wouldn't lather correctly and was far too annoying to deal with, but because I was too lazy to go to the store to purchase another can of Barbasol I ended up using the gillette crap for about two months. I finally bought some more, but I didn't see the regular version of it and had to go with the "soothing aloe" variety. I haven't tried it yet, but I'll let you all know tomorrow.

Dang it, it's taken me far too long to post this, so I'll finish the rest tomorrow when I let you know about how the shave goes.

I apologize, the shaving gel in question was not Gillette, but rather "Edge."


Sam said...

What the fuck is wrong with Gillette?........asshole....

The Suarpion said...

There's nothing wrong with Gillette, I just called it crap because it doesn't seem to function properly whilst in my possession. But Barbasol is by far better (in my opinion).

Sam said...

So because I've missed you so much I decided to go back and read your old blog posts. (yes I really do miss you that much)

To comment on this post...I in fact agree with you about Barbasol. I just recently started using it and I do like it better than Gillette. Good call!