Saturday, September 20, 2008

The New Place

I know I've told you all about how much I love the new place, but none of you out there have seen it! So come with me on a brief photo tour of the place that I call home. Keep your eye(s) open, you just might encounter a few familiar faces.
The living room featuring the dining room featuring lawn chairs.
My room from the outside. All sorts of raucous dance parties take place in here. Notice the tower fan. It's there to keep me cool and at the height of fashion. You playas (that's beaches in espanol) best watch out, cuz I've got the crib that's keepin' it ill.
My room from the inside. Notice the desk and computer where I bring you constant updates. Yes folks, that's where the magic happens.
Who's that handsome devil? And where have his pants gone?!

That's all there is for now. For the next photo tour we'll traverse back to the time of the dinosaurs and meet some of our extinct friends. Until next time, true believers! Excelsior!

I foresee jokes about my hairy legs stating that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if I was wearing pants or not. I doubt this preemptive defense will stop it, but at least I saw(see) it coming.


Sara said...

Oh my God, I wish you could've heard the laugh that came out of me when I laid my eyes on that glorious [and revealing] picture of your on your bed.

Jesus, that shit was hilarious. I think my neighbors think I'm crazy.

The Suarpion said...

Expect more photos of this variety. Thoroughly disturbing yet oddly mesmerizing.

Sara said...

Oh, happy day.

You know it's not the hair that bothers me ... It's that Farmer's Tan.

The Suarpion said... is pretty bad, and I chose the one filter that would bring it out even more.