Saturday, December 20, 2008


Why can't it be January already so that I could start this new semester only to finish it in May and start the first day of the rest of my life. I've often felt as though I haven't done anything with my life, unaccomplished and as though there was no purpose to any of the things that I was doing, that there was no honor or dignity in paying an institution only to glide by without working much just so that I could have a piece of paper saying that 17 years of my life were complete bullshit and that bullshit pays me more than someone who's been "doing their own thing" right out of high school, but after thinking about it for awhile I realize the idiocy of all of this. I went to college for the reason of putting myself in a position better than other schmucks so that I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life working manual labor or at a restaurant or (gasp) retail! Granted, there are tons of successful people out there who either never went to or dropped out of college, but those were brilliant minds who are/were few and far between. Yes, there is a possibility that my future career will not involve the need of a degree, but at least if I fail at accomplishing my dreams I can fall back on a respectable career or at least something that will pay me well enough to indulge in my vices and take long, comfortable vacations. So, while I may detest the institution I'm in, most of the people there and my feeling of missing out on the world, come May 22nd, 2009, that will all change. I will embark on one of the greatest adventures known to man and I will see all that I've missed out on, foreign and domestic. This isn't the writing of a defeated man, this is the writing of a man determined to triumph.

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