Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On How Andy Greatly Appreciates His Academic Adviser

I stopped by to see my academic adviser today to see if I would indeed be able to graduate in May. Due to Comparative Literature being an odd major with a stupid department, we both had difficulty figuring this out, but after a good amount of time with Mrs. Cummins-Lewis and figuring out the complicated fixtures of crap that are my required courses, she petitioned one of my classes and petitioned several others to count for ones that I would need otherwise. I was so happy and relieved to hear this that I almost jumped out of my seat to hug this woman. I then left to turn in these documents and will be speaking to a general education councilor on Thursday to determine whether or not I can petition some more classes, not that I need to, I just want to be as lazy as possible next semester. I also put together my "wish list" of classes and I'll have only 16 units to take. Only one of my classes needs to be towards my major, everything else is general education. Excellent news! I've also put it together where I will have four-day weekends. Let's just hope the freshmen don't take this away from me. I don't know who has priority in these picks, but I'll be quite upset if I have to go to school every day. I guess that's partly why I selected classes with more than 100 people (that's also so that I don't have to worry about attendance). Well, unless this "Heather" person in charge of the petitions decides to deny my requests with authorization from the adviser, I won't have to go with "plan B," which was that "big decision" I was talking about. Although it's not completely out of the picture. At least now I have something to look forward to in the spring time. Then I can get the hell out of Dodge. For a long time. Alright, time to work on that group project. The next few weeks will be quite busy, but not as busy as last semester. Let's do this.


Sara said...

I've gone to June Cummings-Lewis a couple times and she is rather cool. I'm glad things have worked out for the most part, you should be in the clear. I'm with you on the busy next few weeks. Yes! Let's do0o0o0o this! Then we can order two massive pizzas and each eat one and watch Shaun of the Dead ... Even though I'm still scared to watch it.

The Suarpion said...

I'm down. Pizza = good. I'm just about done with my section for this group project. Seriously, a semester project in less than a day. How sad is that?

Sam said...

So wait, that "big decision" is not so big anymore? Did you even talk to the "big decision" maker today?

The Suarpion said...

I did talk to the "big decision" maker today, but the options were either graduate in May and do whatever it is I'd do or if I was unable to graduate in May then go with "Plan B." But since it looks like I'm in the clear with graduation then I'll stay...for now, but who knows what's going to happen. I just thought that if they told me I wouldn't be able to graduate in May I might go crazy with another semester or year of schooling, and I couldn't handle that. I'm still looking at what I can do after graduation. Europe may be nixed in lieu of an American road trip and general adventuring. We'll discuss more later tonight if you want. I've got some free time.

Sam said...

gotcha. well does this mean you are going back to the .38?