Friday, December 19, 2008

Music For 12/19/08

Last day of finals for this semester, so I figured I'd bring you all some sort of school-related music thing today. The first of which is appropriate since it aired on this very day 28 years ago.


Teacher Teacher

Alice Cooper

Schools Out (Just...y' your minds change the lyrics from "summer" to "winter" and all that stuff. I know I should really be posting this when I graduate, but I figured I might forget it by that point)

Pink Floyd

Another Brick In The Wall (I honestly think PF is overrated, but in keeping with the school theme then I figured "why not?")


Sam said...

PF overrated? To think something is overrated these days, is overrated. You're gay. I honestly don't know why I'm defending Pink Floyd, I only like two of their songs.'re gay!

The Suarpion said...

HaHA! Oh, Sam. I still have my moon pie. Those will never be overrated.