Monday, December 29, 2008

Macross (Robotech)

I finally got my DVDs back from that brother of mine and have been watching the original series over again. While the English acting is kinda cheesy, the show is still the way I remember it. What I really enjoy about it is that it was brought to the U.S. for kids back in '84, but it featured the deaths of several characters. They don't hide it either. There's the disintegration of various Varitech fighters and Zentraedi battle pods. Not to mention the tragic deaths of Ben Dixon, the Bridge Bunnies, Captain Glovell and Roy Fokker (sorry for the spoilers). And damn that Minmei for being a complete hussy! Rick Hunter saved your ass and kept you alive for two weeks and all you can do is go and make his life absolutely miserable?! So what if he didn't get you a birthday present, the man's been off killing aliens (who are just gigantic humans) and making sure the SDF-1 is safe and that the people of Macross City will get back to Earth alive. That Lisa Hayes is so much better than your modeling career and your stupid agent and your fickle nature. Oo! Sigh. Good news is there's talks of a movie! Check out the few details. As much as I believe Toby Maguire to be a suitable candidate for the role of Rick Hunter, the person portraying him should be me. I wouldn't even have to act, it'd just be me playing myself pretty much. Just with expert piloting skills. And a cool uniform. Dammit. I really can't get enough of this show! And I know that once I get off of work I'm going to drive to Borders to pick up a copy of the books. I've mentioned this before, but I read them back in Jr. High and they were just so cool. I'll look like a loser buying them (if they still have them) but then again, what's new, right?

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