Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I know I often complain about the hipsters, but a particular "Hugh Jass" has written in to HCwDB describing them better than I ever could. I'll just do a little copy/paste for you all:

My friend just forwarded me the link to your site and I promptly snorted a certain quantity of pasta out my nose in between bellowing laughter and retching gags. The riches! The wealth of humor! ...Masterful.

But I see no Hipster-bags. You know the ones. Come on, the American Apparel ultra-lo v-neck wearing, skinny jeaned beardos getting run over by buses cause they wont put brakes on the fixed gear bikes they bought with daddy's credit card.

You know the guys who just spent nine hours in front of the mirror trying to look like someone who hasn't just spent nine hours in front of the mirror. The ones with pretty much nothing to add of value to humanity at large other than their shitty band which no one listens to except the hot chick they've somehow managed to hypnotize with the studied nonchaloance they bought in a how-to-guide from Gavin McInnes.

I know you have some of these dudes down south and god knows there are too many of them up here in SF stealing all the babes. No pictures? Really? There must be one worthy of superf@#kingbagdom...

Here's hoping

Hugh Jass

Well said, Mr. Jass. Well said.

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