Saturday, August 16, 2008

Some Near Future Excellence

I'll be getting that trip to the mountains pretty soon. This coming weekend I will be departing with my parents to Troy Meadows. But one thing will be different. We will drive separately and I will be staying until Wednesday. By my self! It may be time to go on a spirit quest where I starve myself, sweat everything out, get dehydrated, climb a mountain and talk to Samuel L. Jackson (who is my spirit guide). I'll then return with some sort of lesson learned about life or whatever and I'll then use that lesson for good until I've forgotten it two weeks later and go back to my usual self. Either way, it's going to be fun and I'll get to be super manly and not shave for a week and there will be no cell phone reception whatsoever. The only downside, I'll be missing a segment of Poetry Sunday. As usual in circumstances such as this, I'll make it up the week after with a double helping. Anyways, my last day of work is to-nite and afterwards Papa Gus and I will enjoy some fine alcohol and cee-gars. It's going to be a good night.

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