Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Home Again

I've been back and forth from San Diego over the past few weeks dealing with housing situations and such as I'm sure you're all well aware. I haven't had a stable internet for the last couple of days, so I'm back home again for a few days. I'll be going camping on Friday and I'll be back Sunday only to return to San Diego on Monday to then return home on Thursday and then once again make the trek to San Diego after the Birdmonster show on Tuesday the 2nd (although it'll be Wednesday the 3rd by the time it's all done) where I'll then finally rest and call the traveling quits only to start school for another year of madness. But this year's madness contains the one salvation, and that is graduation. So, while I may be disgruntled with my college experience and all of that stuff, it'll be over soon enough and I'll enjoy the sweet air of freedom.

When I got home to-nite I sat down to watch some television with my parents and the first thing on was a History Channel documentary on Ice Cream makers and it was really good and funny, prompting me to serve myself a bowl. The next documentary thing that I watched was some crap on landing on asteroids/comets and what they're made out of, etc. It was your typical Discovery Channel documentary that contained the really bad re-enactments and even worse CGI that get replayed for every point that the narrator tries to make. What I really liked about it was not the information that it was giving me, but the cut from the little girl looking up innocently at the sky to the CGI of an asteroid hitting the Earth. It reminded me of Deep Impact and Morgan Freeman telling everyone that they're going to die. Oh, Morgan, is there anyone's heart you can't warm? I liked Deep Impact. Shut up.

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