Thursday, August 7, 2008

News On Top 5

I guess because I've had a bit of an inspiration for the Top 5 segment I'll be giving it a weekly slot. And because it's Thursday I'll just make it "Top 5 Thursdays." How's that? Good? Ok. I'm gonna watch a movie.


Carson Daly said...

So, I was on imdb. And for various reasons (research for a new facebook picture offering) I was browsing the "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" message boards. And there was one in particular that I coulnd't resist. The title of the thread was "It's absolutely disgusting how big people are treated". What ensued was a seven page dialogue regarding the initial poster's diatribe (obviously an individual clutching 2 (read two) buckets of KFC's fine chicken.) Well I decided to throw my two-cents in. My response to this heated issue was: "Well, how shall I put this? "Big people" is a hurtful expression. You know they really do prefer the term fattie." This was my first time posting at imdb since I joined, freshman year.

The Suarpion said...

Haha! You have to let me know what the response is...or I can check it myself.