Friday, August 29, 2008

Quite An Amazing Day

Yes, a ride along occurred on this fine day (technically yesterday) and there's much to be said and many laughs were had from the evening, but as I'm drained and tired, I'm simply going to rest for now and will have something for you tomorrow (today). I haven't decided as to whether or not I'm going to use my "Emergency Blanket" to-nite or go with the regular blankets. That space age technology is pretty tempting. Anywho, I'll leave you all with the best quote/advice from to-nite (and possibly ever) which comes from uncle Jim through the voice of 2nd cousin Bryan. "Never trust a fart and never let an erection go to waste."


Sam said...

An amazing day indeed!!

"I bet you'd suck my cock!!" -Pvt. Nash (I didn't catch his real rank)

The Suarpion said...

I think he was saying he was a corporal. Oh, Jeffery Nash, how you made my night with your wet farts and curses and threats on my life.