Wednesday, August 27, 2008




Carson Daly said...

Apropos of nothing, at work today the film "Iron Jawed Angels"(about women's suffrage) was on the television and it got me thinking. A) If it were my movie, the 19th amendment would not have passed and Hillary Swank (the lead actor) would have been sent to the then non-existant Guantanamo Bay. and B) Assuming a vote was held nowadays to repeal said amendment, I don't know what my opinion on the matter would be. Because while the sexes certainly are equal, well...BOY'S RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!>!!!!?!!!111111111 That is all.

The Suarpion said...

Regarding women's rights and such, last night I was forced to watch Hilary Clinton's speech about how great socialism and Barack Obama are and she got to a point in her speech where she said McCain still thinks women should be paid less than men. Now, I don't agree with McCain on that, but because I was irritated at the T.V. box and the (wo)man that was blathering on about how she cares and also my parents were listening intently and sucking in all of the crap she was saying, I decided to cheer during that part. And yes, Boys Rule!!!11ONEONEONEWONWON!1