Wednesday, August 6, 2008

On Finding A Place

We found a place. I'd like to thank my former boss, Omar, for helping me out big time with schmoozing the landlord and playing along with my lie that I'd be working there again for my source of income. And thanks to all of you others who helped us to land the apartment that we'll be signing papers for on Sunday. And Scott, thank you for doing pretty much all of the legwork for the past month and having to deal with the other one.

Which brings me to the other one. The hipster. Kyle, if you manage to find this new blog site, don't tell me because then I might feel bad. But Scott and I had made the decision to cut Kyle loose from our living situation, mainly because of inflexibility in finding places and also jumping on the first piece of crap that he'd found. I honestly didn't want to live in a hipster neighborhood. I enjoy my steak (medium rare), my right to bear arms (which I'll be doing soon enough), and I'm not voting for Obama. And meditation gardens make me want to vomit. So, when Scott broke the news to Kyle about us not wanting to live there we really did screw the guy over pretty badly. I felt bad for a little bit that we'd done it so close to leaving time, but it didn't take me too long (12 minutes) to get over it. We'd left options. I'd offered him my room while I'm living in the Hills free of charge, we'd attempted to get him to look for places outside of hipster central, but he would not bend and thus, rather than attempting to bend further he was broken. He'll be alright. Eventually.

But the important thing is for the two of us (Scott and I) to have fun/peace/no hipsters in the new place. We already know that we get along as roommates and bringing in a third party could potentially disturb our last year at SDSU. And I'd rather not blow my brains out due to weekly hipster gatherings and the idiotic glorification of the beat movement.

On a side note, if you haven't picked up a (digital) copy of From the Mountain to the Sea then I highly suggest you get out there (stay on your computer) and do it. I've listened to it about 8 times already. And check to see if they'll be playing in your area over the next few months. In the words of Stan Lee, "Until next time, true believers!"


Carson Daly said...

What!!!!! Happy to left me behind eh? Well Suarez you haven't seen the last of Kyle the Kratsman!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!HAAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you sleep is when I'll move.

On a serious note, after the video store news I bought a bottle of Whisky. And my god...bliss.

Carson Daly said...

Note: the grammatical error in my second sentence was not intentional. In a moment of pure unadultered rage I forgot to include a "have". Thank you for your time.

The Suarpion said...

Damn you Daly! I'll catch you one day!

Carson Daly said...

Nevah!! And regarding moronic social interaction websites; on my silly-willy facebook account I added
"1940s alcoholic homocide detectives" to the about me section. So, I pretty much rule. By the way, that girl you glanced at in your car while driving home. You know, the one driving that red sort-of okay car? Yeah, she totally wanted me.