Sunday, March 8, 2009


More proof I'm an idiot (in case you needed any):

I just opened a disposable camera for a customer and found that the camera itself had been broken a bit enough to expose the film. In wanting to see what the insides of a disposable camera look like, I pried the plastic shell off exposing the film and circuitry along with the battery, flash, etc. I charged the flash to see what that would be like. Me, stupid as I am handsome, decided to leave my fingers on the metallic parts of the circuits. I've since shocked myself four times. Something tells me that it won't stop there. I'll see how many times I can shock myself out of sheer idiocy before I finally just throw the damned thing away. Expect a tally.


The battery's out! Why am I still being electrocuted? Disposable: 5 Andy: 0


I think that the camera has run out of juice to jolt me with. Take THAT! It may have shocked me 6 times and given me a surprising and blinding flash that I wasn't expecting, but I think I won the war in the end. After all, it's got nothing left. Go Andy.


Sara said...

Don't you just love those times when you know you shouldn't be doing something because its incredibly stupid but you're just ever so curious that you must do it anyway?

Andrew B said...

I think a lot of people make tasers out of those things since all you have to do is peel it open and press it against someone.

The Suarpion said...

@ Sara

Only if it's in the name of science.

@ Andrew

Don't give me ideas.