Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stupid Job

Ok, this is bothering me more and more. My boss has a tendency to purchase items that are expired. I don't know if he does this purposely then gets even more of a discount on them, or if he's just so oblivious to the fact that this company he orders from continuously screws him over. My guess is the former. We received some disposable cameras the other day that expired in May. May of 2008. We already have a whole set of these cameras exactly the same (which my boss claims we got prior to the date of expiration, which is an outright lie) along with two other styles of disposable that have already expired. One that expired August of '08 and one that expired April of '08. When I brought to the attention the expiration date on the new batch he went into what is to be presumed a fake rage wherein he said everyone in this business was "crook! everybody, they crooks!" (He clearly doesn't admit to himself being one of these crooks). I then alerted him to the others that have already expired and he continued with his tirade of anger towards this company that has screwed him, yadda, yadda. He takes the box with the address of the company of "crooks" says he's going to square it away. He comes back shortly thereafter and tells me that the ones we already have with past expiration dates are still to be sold for the reason mentioned above that we'd had these before they expired, but the new ones would be dealt with. And when selling the ones we "already had," our goal was to ask the customers if they wanted them opened so that detecting the expiration date wouldn't be as obvious. If anyone were to complain about it having an expired date after having purchased it, we were to trade them for one that wasn't expired free of charge. We are not legally allowed to sell expired film/anything unless it is specifically designated as such, and I know that the boss is never going to advertise it as expired, especially with the prices he's charging. It's just so underhanded and sneaky and downright shady. What's more is it's been at least a week since we received the shipment of expired disposable cameras and they're still in the store. They've been placed in our stock shelf, as in they're next in line once the others have sold out. I'm getting more and more disgusted with this place every day. I mean, I know all I do is stand around waiting for customers to come in and help them out quickly, efficiently and with a smile on my face, but that doesn't mean that just because I can go on the internet, read, do homework, etc. that I can overlook the crooked business practices and the highway robbery. Example: our 1 GB SD cards are going for $19.99. At Fry's electronics you can buy them for $5. I understand we're a tourist location, but come on! I know that exorbitant prices are out of my hands, but simply because of the expired film as well as some other unconventional means of doing business I've thought about reporting us to the Better Business Bureau. I know that things like this shouldn't eat at my conscience too much, but think if you're on vacation and you buy a disposable camera or film, thinking you're going to capture some great shots of family, friends, various activities, and you go to get them developed and all you come out with is burned out shit, you're going to be pissed! We're ruining vacations. We're lying and cheating our customers to make a few when all we have to do is complain to the folks who sold us the shit or switch our sellers. Hell, chances are the only reason we buy from these "crooks" is because the boss has some sort of family connection with them or some bullshit like that. What's worse is that rather than saying something to me like "yeah, we do that" or hiding it actually trying to get new cameras, all he fucking does is put them up where the rest of our disposables are and wait for it to blow the fuck over and let me forget about it. What the fuck?! At least be honest, at least try to be sly about it. No, you put it up there in the exact same box that I transferred them to and put them in plain fucking sight and tell me you're going to do something about it and write the company off as criminals trying to dupe you! Man, fuck this shit. Just writing about it gets me steamed. I honestly hope that he's reading this crap on his stalker-system that he uses because he can't trust a single one of his damned employees because I will refuse to sell that crap up there and if he tells me to do it, or if we get another case that's exactly the same as what happened this time, I will report this shitty-ass place to the BBB. I'm sick of feeling like some low-down criminal in his petty schemes and his refusal to man-up and take action on someone who fucks with him or to do the honest thing. Arrgh! I hate this job! Just hurry and hire somebody so I can get the fuck out. Mid-April can't come soon enough.

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