Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fashion Show

My ma has asked me to put together a half-hour set of songs to play at her elementary school's fashion show. Here we have "innocent" kids modeling what is deemed appropriate attire for the campus. And here I am. With itunes. Trying to find kid-appropriate music to fill in 30 minutes of tykes trotting down a makeshift runway. It's harder than it seems. I'm trying to exclude all songs that mention the words "beer (drinking and the like)," "cigarettes (smoking and the like)," swearing, or anything else that might be construed as influencing younglings to do anything they legally shouldn't be doing. It's harder than it seems. It also has to have some sort of bouncey, poppy sound or a White Stripes's "We're going to be friends" sound to it. I guess the only thing my ma has been given to work with by her co-workers is Michael Jackson. That and she seems to like Cake's "Short skirt, long jacket" but as she used it last year she needs new material. I thought about using Rockpile's "Teacher, teacher" (what with the "school" theme) but thought parents watching/listening might get the wrong impression. Again with the school theme, The Two Man Gentleman Band's "Prime numbers" I thought could work...but quickly thought again. Though their song "the square root of two" might work. Not only is it sweet, it's educational (it's mathemagical)! I'm gonna get back to this here thing. Let you all know how it goes.

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