Friday, May 22, 2009

From My Aunt in Texas

Dear Andy,
Congratulations!!!! You did it! Freedom!!! I wish I could be there with the family to share in this awesome day in your life! I will be with you in spirit though....all day long ('cause I don't know at what time of the day is graduation!) Both Vic and I are very proud of you and know that you will do great things.
I often think about the long talk that we had the night I stayed over at your mom's. It was a great conversation. I learned so much about you! That evening I also felt sad because I realized that I had missed out on seeing you and J grow up because I've lived so far away. Yes, I remember funny episodes of you all's trip to Texas such as the airport incident -cowboy boots, hat and guns; the "It's not easy being cheesy" repeated over and over by the so patient Vic; how scared you were when I turned on the bubbles in the jacuzzi, etc.; how no one couldn't get you out of the video arcade inside the Hypermart - what a hissy fit you threw over there boy! Those are all great memories, but I wish we could have others as well.
What an exciting future awaits you. I bet that you feel the freedom oozing out of your pores by now. As you take off on your trip, I just want to ask you (without sounding totally geriatric) Please be careful. I know that you must forge your own view of the world and set your own perspective. I know that this trip will be a soul-searching opportunity. You will learn a lot about you. As you search for meaning and purpose, remember that there are so many different ways by which we can set off to find them (meaning and purpose). Like for instance, I totally see you traveling the world with a bunch of young people like yourself learning about other cultures; helping to build schools and houses for children and families that have never been out of their own village (in these cases I don't see you drinking the water!) I also see you teaching people, helping them learn how to help themselves... Anyway, I could be totally off by miles, but those are some of the images that came to me after our long chat that night.
I'm not sure when you are living for your trip but I think I remember you saying that you were taking off right after graduation. I'm sending you something in the mail for when you get back. So, be cautious, have fun, learn alot, and remember to keep in touch. Know that I love you and that I'm proud of you. A big, big hug from Vic, too.
Majulia ;o)

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