Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Mantracker rules! I friggin' love this show. If you're too lazy to watch the clip below, here's the premise: Two people are left alone in the wilderness and have to reach a destination 25 miles away in 36 hours. Easy, right? Wrong! A professional tracker is hot on their tails, often with a guide equally as capable that's familiar with the terrain. Needless to say, Mantracker is a bad ass. Most of the time it's city-slickers and punk-ass jerks who think they're the shit and they always get caught. Sam, I think you'll like this episode as it's two trained police officers trying to outsmart Mantracker. Ch-ch-ch-check it:


Sam said...

I'd only like it if the police officers beat mantracker and then beat his ass...otherwise I wont watch it.

The Suarpion said...

Well, they do indeed beat Mantracker in this episode, but they don't beat him down. So watch half of it. And so far they're the only ones I've seen win on this show.